CRBT - The perfect just-about-anything Discord app. banner

CRBT - The perfect just-about-anything Discord app.

Multipurpose Discord bot that helps you get things done quickly through user-friendly and customizable commands.


I started CRBT in 2019 as my very first coding experiment, and over the years it's become more complete and defined, as a true multi-purpose Discord bot.
As the project evolved a lot the past year, its website needed a serious refresh to reflect it, and what the future holds for it. Inspired by Material You, the new website features a clean and refined design that works on all screen sizes and themes.

Screenshot of the CRBT website landing page
Screenshot of the CRBT website mobile landing page Screenshot of the CRBT website mobile landing page

Interactive demo

The multi-purpose Discord bot market being satured, CRBT's website needed to stand out. I opted for a way to preview the bot by replicating the typical Discord experience!

Screenshot of the CRBT website interactive demo Screenshot of the CRBT website interactive demo


The new illustrations feature Microsoft's gorgeous Fluent Emojis and embrace the iconic Discord embeds with different hues, representing CRBT's customization capabilities!

CRBT website illustration - Welcome & Farewell messages CRBT website illustration - Polls, Giveaways, etc CRBT website illustration - Utilities & Automation

Special thanks

Thanks to Dave for helping with some of my CSS shenanigans.